<> Урок в 10 классе "Love makes the world better." - Учителю иностранного языка - материалы из опыта работы - материалы из опыта работы - Персональный сайт

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Урок в 10 классе "Love makes the world better."
12.01.2012, 14:11
Тема урока: Love makes the world better.
Комплексная цель урока: формирование и развитие навыков и умений иноязычной речевой деятельности, ориентация на овладение учащимися такими аспектами языка как лексика, грамматика, фонетика; обучение общению на иностранном языке.
Общеобразовательные цели урока: развивающие, познавательные; формирование лингвистического мышления.
Воспитательные цели: воспитание культуры мышления, общения и чувств.
Учебно-методические задачи урока: повторение и активизация иноязычного материала.
Тип урока: урок по закреплению изучаемого материала и выработка практических умений и навыков.
1.(Звучит песня Стинга "Every Breath You Take”)
Ознакомление учеников с темой урока, фонетическая разминка.
В центре доски находится ключевое слово урока "LOVE”, под заглавием "What does love mean?”. Оно положит начало целой схеме, которая по ходу урока будет постепенно оформляться
Good morning. I’ll be your teacher at this lesson. My name is R.M. today we are going to have a special lesson, we shall speak about Love. What does love mean? We shall answer this question and I hope you will help me. First let’s repeat some words/
Admiration - восхищение
Respect - уважение
Romantic relation- романтичное отношение
Passion - страсть
Help - помощь
Tolerance - толерантность
Friendship - дружба
Mutual - взаимный, обоюдный

The sky is high, the see is deep.
Thinking of you I cannot sleep.
If you love me like I love you.
Nothing but death will part us too.
2. Proverbs. Работа над пословицами.
Т: Match the proverb and its corresponding meaning.
1. It is love that makes the world go round - Для любви нет преград.
2. Love cannot be forced - Любовь побеждает все.
3. Love is blind as well as hatred - Насильно мил не будешь.
4. Love will creep where it may hot go - Любовь зла.
3. What do we think about our beloveds? Let’s read
She thinks he’s the best.
She thinks he’s the greatest.
She thinks he’s the smartest man in the world.
He thinks she’s the nicest.
He thinks she’s the brightest.
He thinks she’s the kindest woman in the world. She thinks he’s the most remarkable man
in the whole wide world,
in the whole wide world.
He thinks she’s the most wonderful woman
in the whole wide world,
in the whole wide world.
What words do we use? What kind of adjectives and in which degree of comparison? (superlative) So, from this poem we can say that love is ADMIRATION, RESPECT, ROMANTIC RELATION, PASSION. (запись слов )
4. Работа над текстом.
Let’s continue our work. You can see a short text. What is your task? You’ll read it and answer the questions.
1. What do you first think of when you hear the word "love”?
2. What kinds of love are there?
3. How do parents show their love?
What do you first think of when you hear the word "love”? Having a girlfriend or boyfriend?
There are many kinds of love. Love between parents and children, love within families, between friends, for example.
When a baby is born, parents love it. How do they show this? They feed it, keep it warm, keep it away from danger. This is love. Caring for someone , being helpful, being friendly, being tolerant. Everybody needs love. This poem is about people who need love. But…
And what other words for the definition "LOVE” can we add?
Help, tolerance, friendship.
5. So, we can love not only boyfriends or girlfriends, but our parents, relatives and so on. You’ll read one poem. It’s title is SYMPATHY. Let’s look first at the words.
Climb - влезать need - нуждаться
Lock - запирать enough - достаточно
Bolt- запирать на засов bun(s) -
Sympathy- сочувствие,симпатия quietly starves- тихо умирает с голоду
Now when you climb into your bed tonight,
And when you lock and bolt the door,
Just think of those out in the cold and dark
‘Cause there’s not enough love to go round.
And sympathy is what we need my friend,
And sympathy is what we need my friend,
‘Cause there’s not enough love to go round.
No, there’s not enough love to go round.
Now half the world buns the other half,
And half the world has all the food,
And half the world lies down and quietly starves
‘Cause there’s not enough love to go round.
And sympathy is what we need my friend.
Do you agree with verse three?
Are there any people "those out in the cold and dark”?
Can we do anything to help them?
If everyone loves or likes everyone else, does the world get better?
6. Игра.

Let’s continue our work playing "Heart game”.
The rules: I’ll give a half of the heart to everyone. On one half there is a question about the holiday, on the other half of the broken heart there is the answer. You should ask questions and find your halves or your matches.

What holiday do we have next Monday?- Valentine’s Day
What is the appropriate symbol for Valentine’s Day? – The heart
What are the most popular gifts on V’s Day? – Special V’s cards, heart shaped boxes of
candy, jewelry, flowers.
What does V’s Day celebrate? – Friendship, love and romance.
What colours are the most used in valentines? – Red, pink and white.
Whom do we usually think on the 14th of February about? – About moms, dads, sisters and
brothers, our grandparents and our friends.
Why is the heart the symbol of love?
Heart –
The organ inside your chest that pumps blood around your body. Without heart we can’t live.
People usually mean the strongest emotions and the truest feelings while speaking about heart.
7.Групповая работа.Письмо. I want you to imagine that you are poets.Poets and lyricists have always been inspired by love. The Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote "My love is like a red, red rose”, and Shakespeare wrote "The course of true love never did run smooth”. The Beatles sang "She loves you, yeah yeah yeah”. Now you have a chance to join the long list of poets who have written poems about love. Here is a poem that you can complete yourself! All you have to do is insert some words and phrases of your own, following the guide. Try to be as poetic and romantic as you can!
For (name)
When I look into your eyes
I see (colour) (season) skies.
When I see you walking past
My (part of the body) starts (verb) fast.
You are like sunshine in the (opposite of sun-shine) ,
The (noun) that sooths the pain.
I love the way you (action)
And the (noun) that you wear.
Your (noun) is like (noun)
Your lips taste like (drink) .
You make me (verb or adjective) , you make me (verb or adjective) .
Please say you’ll be mine.
8.Групповая работа.
Love makes the world better.
How can love change реорle?


На столе в 3 стопки разложены карточки разных цветов: зеленые, белые и голубые. В конце урока я прошу каждого выбрать подходящую, по мнению учащегося, карточку и написать на ней несколько слов о результате урока ( по желанию)

Зеленый цвет – "мне понравился урок”.
Желтый цвет – "нейтральный”.
Розовый цвет – "мне не понравился урок”

10. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.Good bye.
Категория: Учителю иностранного языка | Добавил: иностранка
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